Thursday, August 1, 2019

Cost of Armoring a Vehicle

Armored cars and trucks are becoming the norm today. More and more civilians are opting to secure their vehicles so that they can safely ride around wherever they want. While armoring is proving to be essential and bulletproof vehicles for sale become common, the price factor kicks in for clients. People wonder how much it would actually cost them to purchase an armored vehicle or get their own vehicle upgraded with armoring.

Well, the cost of bulletproofing a vehicle depends on various factors. Like:
  • Level of armoring – Armoring is not a one-shot deal. There are various ballistic protection ratings defined by the ability to withstand specific types of ammunitions and explosives. Higher the level, higher is the protection and obviously higher the costs as well. The clients choose the desired level based on the perceived threats and other contingencies.
  • Customization – The standard armoring covers the body of the vehicle including the doors, roof, floor, sides and boot. However, the windows, tires, handles, etc. will call for add-ons like bulletproof glass, run flats, bomb blanket, electric handles and so on. These will add to the cost outlay but also serve to further fortify the vehicle against attacks.

  • Type of vehicle – Apart from the specific type of armoring, the choice of vehicle also comes into play. While the cost will tend to vary depending on the vehicle type, typically - the larger the vehicle, the more the armoring materials used and therefore, higher the costs.
  • Vendor – The choice of armoring service provider cannot be overlooked either. The leading vendors in the industry provide customized services along with unparalleled quality and service. For instance, International Armoring Corporation ( uses the proprietary lightweight Armormax material in all their bulletproof vehicles for sale. They always ensure that every trip in their armored vehicles is completely safe and secure and can actually boast of maintaining a superlative 100% protection rate.
As a broad ballpark figure, the cost of bulletproofing a vehicle can vary anywhere from $40,000 to $400,000 depending on the client’s preferences.

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