Monday, September 2, 2019

Bond Vehicles On Our Roads?

James Bond movies have a lusty allure and mystique that is simply inimitable. The appeal lies as much in the man as his machine!

Yes, we are talking about the mesmerizing and iconic vehicles 007 drives that never fail to enthrall car enthusiasts around the world. The cool gadgetry and hi-tech features do seem wildly ingenious and impossible. After all, the spy is constantly weaving through a barrage of bullets and indulging in some mind-boggling antics, and yet managing to escape unscathed.

Well, the modern cars armored are making just a few of the spellbinding capabilities possible.

International Armoring Corporation ( is a world leader in turning regular vehicles into extraordinary bulletproof machines. They offer various levels of customized armoring to ensure that the passengers stay safe while the protection matches their needs.

The body can be reinforced from bonnet to boot and side to side while the windows rendered bulletproof. The tires can continue to run even after being riddled with shots and even the door handles can traumatize unidentified intruders.

And yet all the additions and modifications do not turn the vehicle into a bulky and unruly ride. IAC uses the proprietary Armormax technology which is the lightest ballistic material in the world. This is topped by professional craftsmanship that further ensures a smooth and safe ride in the cars armored.
This way the bullet and grenade proof features of the breathtaking Bond vehicles are becoming a reality on our roads. One can commission a luxury armored vehicle for personal security or simply as a dreamy indulgence to recreates some of the legendary spy’s legacy. He will be assured a magnificent vehicle that glides on the roads even as it keeps mysterious attackers at bay.

And for all we know, the seemingly fictional machine-gun headlights, the underwater driving, the surface-to-air missiles and the camouflage cloak may just be round the corner!

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